50% More Web Leads and a 62% Surge in Call Leads for a Leading Dermatology Clinic

To push the boundaries of the local digital landscape even further, Bagatin Clinic engaged Granular Group to assist them with the strategy and its execution. The request was simple - take what works and make it even better, all while increasing the number and the quality of leads.

We teamed up with a leading national clinic in the field of aesthetic surgery, dentistry, and dermatology, further increasing their already impressive digital business footprint and significantly increasing the quality and the quality of leads across all digital channels.


Bagatin Clinic






  • A highly competitive market with an ever increasing development of digital marketing presence.
  • A set of services demanding a long decision making process that spans across multiple channels, making it hard to attribute properly across those channels.
  • The clinic had a prolific digital content production (both in terms of on-site and off-site content) that lacked clear structure.
  • The website, though loaded with content, did not have a clear cross-selling structure and the overall information architecture lacked finesse.
  • While ranking for top-tier keywords with purchase intent, the informational content needed development.
  • Strong presence across various media outlets with a strong investment into digital PR that lacked structure and broader scope to maximize results.


  • The majority of the website content got a major overhaul, resulting in a a better content structure, additional information modules, better SEO and improved cross-selling.
  • Major improvements in the process of automating and semi-automating cross-channel marketing activities.
  • Collaborating with content production to develop a content framework, with a clear emphasis on consistency of information architecture across various user intent categories.
  • Setting up an analytical ecosystem in order to determine the quality of digital PR activities and to increase the quality of referral traffic.


  • 230% Increase in referral traffic across all digital PR activities (Y-O-Y)
  • 41.28% Increase in organic clicks and 73.26% increase in organic impressions (Y-O-Y)
  • 50% Increase in leads generated via web form submission (Y-O-Y)
  • 62% Increase in telephone calls lead generated (Y-O-Y)
Before the collaboration began

Bagatin Clinic is well known in Europe, not just as a top-tier clinic, but also as a major proponent of utilizing digital communication channels, both for its marketing and business potential. As such, Bagatin Clinic had a strong digital presence across a multitude of various channels. Its digital advertising, PR activities, cross-channel activations and successful online-offline integrations were widely known for their complexity and results. To push the boundaries of the local digital landscape even further, Bagatin Clinic engaged Granular Group to assist them with the strategy and its execution. The request was simple – take what works and make it even better, all while increasing the number and the quality of leads.

To do this, the project was divided into three key areas:

  • Make the most out of the website, by increasing its organic visibility and conversion potential. 
  • Streamline the content production and make it more efficient, with a special emphasis on services description and their corresponding informational content, transactional content and digital PR activities.
  • Reduce the friction between various marketing activities across a multitude of digital and offline channels.
Website - the face of the clinic

Bagatin Clinic recognized early how a well-optimized website can serve not just as a tool for driving visitors and potential leads, but also as an information hub that satisfies the needs of its visitors across all stages of their user journey. We did a step-by-step information overhaul, adding new content sections in order to tackle various problems that visitors face during the customer journey. We made sure that the information structure addresses both the informational and transactional user intent. 

We collaborated with the user support team to gain additional insights into user behavior in order to improve the content and combined it with large datasets in order to make it more useful and more visible. This resulted in 41.28% increase in organic clicks and 73.26% increase in organic impressions, as compared to the year before.

Cross-channel activities

The project of improving cross-channel marketing activities was divided into several parts:

  • We did a thorough analysis of digital PR activities in order to determine how to increase the quality of referral traffic and how to improve organic visibility of those articles as well. This resulted in an increase in organic visibility for all major digital PR activations, as well as an 230% increase in referral traffic across all digital PR activities, compared to the previous year. 
  • Multiple in-depth reporting dashboards were made, making it easier to track and evaluate various activities – reports focused on CRM data, general marketing activities, organic traffic and content evaluation. 
  • CRM data was heavily modeled in order to set the ground for calculating the value of all major digital conversions so that the budget could be distributed more rationally, according to the expected returns from all digital marketing channels. 
  • UX and CRO assistance with landing pages for key services.